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KSB061 PocketCard Lite 1.3吋 ESP32 學習板

KSB061 PocketCard Lite 1.3吋 ESP32 學習板
KSB061 PocketCard Lite 1.3吋 ESP32 學習板 KSB061 PocketCard Lite 1.3吋 ESP32 學習板
貨號: 0411002103



出貨時程: 3-4 天


NT$ 650 [未稅]

SN: 0411002103




PocketCard Lite board is 5 cm x 4 cm in size, it houses a 20-Pin edge connector, built-in 1.3 in. oled panel, two photosensitive light sensors, two programmable buttons, an ntc thermistor, a buzzer and a MSA301 3-axis motion sensor.


PocketCard Lite  
CPU Dual-core 32bit Xtensa LX6, up to 240MHz
RAM 520 KB
ROM 448 KB
Flash 4096 KB
PSRAM 8192 KB (Version2)
Bluetooth Bluetooth v4.2 BR/EDR and BLE
WIFI 802.11 b/g/n/e/i
Panel 1.3 in. oled panel
Photosensitive sensor light sensors x2
Temperature sensor ntc thermistor x1
RGB LED ws2812b x1 (Version2)
Button programmable buttons x2
Buzzer buzzer x1
Buzzer Switch buzzer Switch x1
Micro USB micro USB(for UART)
Motion sensor MSA301 3-axis motion sensor x1
IO interface compatible with most micro:bit I/O features
Size 5x4cm

Hardware interface


the I/O space configuration is as follows:

主板元件 ESP32 腳位  
Botton A GPIO 14 Digital Input
Botton B GPIO 25 Digital Input
Light Sensor(A) GPIO 39 Analog Input
Light Sensor(B) GPIO 36 Analog Input
Temperature Sensor GPIO 34 Analog Input
Buzzer GPIO 26 PWM
Oled Panel(SCL) GPIO 22 Digital Output
Oled Panel(SDA) GPIO 21 Digital Output
MSA301(SCL) GPIO 22 Digital Output
MSA301(SDA) GPIO 21 Digital Output
RGB Led GPIO 12 Digital Output

PIN definitions

The edge interface is compatible with micro:bit ESP32_edge




PocketCard Camera 視訊擴展板

PocketCard Audio 音訊擴展板

PocketCard PlayGame 彩屏遊戲擴展板














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